We require initial labs (fasting lipid panel, comprehensive metabolic panel, complete blood count, thyroid stimulating hormone, and hemoglobin A1c + testosterone if over 40), in addition to follow-up labs (fasting lipid panel, comprehensive metabolic panel, and hemoglobin A1c) as needed (no more frequently than every three months), which are drawn at our office or at a CPL or LabCorp location. They only cost $15-20 (total; add $18-20 if testosterone is checked) each time. There are no hidden costs, and no special food or supplements to buy. You eat real food (trying to follow our nutrition guidelines and "Free Food? Whatever!" eating strategy), incorporated into your normal life (a crucial key to long-term success).
If needed or desired, you may schedule nutrition coaching sessions with Marie Barber, BS, our Nutrition and Exercise Coach, for 50% off the usual charge: $39 for a 50-minute visit, and $19.50 for a 25-minute visit. To save even more money, you may attend these with or without your TLC Trio partners (two friends we encourage you to choose to join you on this journey, who may be critical to your short- and/or long-term success - you'll learn about this in SLIM TLC ® Online, which your friends will be required to purchase unless they have joined SLIM TLC®).